Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coach Fred

so there's this really old substitute dude at my school. Coach Fred. he' an interesting character. when he subs for the gym coach he wears short shorts.... i'm scared for life. imagine Dumbledore make his shorter, less beard, less hair, southern accent, dumber, in short shorts.... and ta da coach Fred.
like this... with less spunk
Nerd out.... he remembers Annabeth do da do da. Why is Nico at Camp Jupiter  do the peeps at Camp Half-Blood know he's there??

just a little post today. my brother is annoying me for the computer. until next time

Monday, February 18, 2013

My cat is a total FREAK

My cat is Lily, named after Lily Evans. Lils is a black-as-night-step-on-her-when-you-get-up-to-pee-in-the-middle-of-the-night kind of cat. A few things drive her mad. Strawberries, she loves them.

Like this...sorta

Seriously if we say Lils you wanna smell the strawberries she jumps on the counter and gets all exited. She’s broken a bowl smelling them.

Also rubber mallets.
The story of how we found out is for another time.

We have a granite counter top so we use this cleaner that she loves.
Wow, i'm surprised I found that so easily.

Speak of the devil she just walked in. *pause* I let her sniff my foot and she sneezed.

Anywho... now I would like to thank my mom for that lovely comment about commas (not) and to Roland D. Yeomans who also commented  because I don't know how to reply thank you sooo much for reading my blog!! I will visit yours shortly.

Farewell for now. Cookies to all toughs who comment. Remember…

Thursday, February 14, 2013

what happens when you arm bored students with paper

So i was sitting in math yesterday(after all my work was done) looking a my teacher board. Just staring. Gods i am one interesting person right? anyhow i was sorta in my own bubble thinking about living at Hogwarts  being friends with Lily Potter (second gen,  of course), minding my own business was a ball of paper hit me in the face. that's right face. it startled me a great bit.

i turned to see my best friend averting her eyes and trying real hard not to giggle. so naturaly i took the paper and threw it back at her. (p.s. my math teacher doesn't care what we do as long as we've finnished are work and we dont blow anything up*cough cough* Blake)

So we were all

and then we started a paper war
That's not us my math teachers a girl :)
that's when mrs. O decided to care what we were doing. so she was all "you"ve not aloud to have a paper fight." so this kid picked up a piece of paper and decided it was smart to through it at my math teacher. 

Needless to say they got detention.

Bye!!! and remember

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Whats wrong with people?

k so i shall taketh this opritunity to make fun of my friends.

I was hanging  out with my brother when his phone went off. you know than  Chernobyl- horn sounding thing... yeah that and he goes,"hey dads calling me" i said really that's what you chose and his response was "I couldn't find Beethoven's fifth"

I walked into problem Solving (a gifted pullout class that's awesome) and sat down when by best friend came in she takceled me. thats right i was just sitting there reading the 4th PJO book(oh my gods she kissed him) and she tackled me. so thanks lily for making me lose my place in my book.

That's not her that's Lily Evans (duh)

my friend asked me if i had a facebook and said "Hades no, that is the biggest waste of time i'd rather be reading. you?"

Anywho bye!! remember

-Zoe Snow
       -Team Lupin

Monday, February 11, 2013

I think my science teacher is a fury

    Hello again, so as i'm typing this i'm eating a peach so if i spell something wrong sorry. Ima go all Percy Jackson on you all for a moment (she says to the audience she wishes she had). If you've read the PJO series you'll follow me if not stop reading this and go to the library nearest you. * finishes peach and throws away the pit* So Mrs  Dodds (the fury) is...mean... yeah lets go with mean. Mrs. S. is Mrs. Dodds times three.
What pleasant woman.
Mrs. S is that teacher no one wants
Tee Hee

Quote from Mrs. S: 'oh well, win some lose most right' *class: um thanks? that's encouraging*

Until next time remember 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hellos and Harry Potter

Hello blogaverse!!! This blog's purpose is so I can talk about books, people, and Harry potter. 
I begin with Harry Potter. 

I started reading harry potter in 2nd grade, so i grew up with Harry Potter. Just sayin' if you google image harry potter you get like three on the first page that he looks happy in, otherwise hes all i'm-Harry-Potter-whopty-freaking-do. Anywho ima Hufflepuff so yay!!!! Luna Lovegood is my favorite good guy and Bellatrix Lastrange is my favorite bad guy. They're on completely different sides of the spectrum but oh well. I love the part when Mollys all "not my daughter you *****" i don't curse:), and the part when Lunas all "don't worry your just as sane as I am" 'cause her favorite saying is an onion a day keep the wackspurts away!

k so until next time keep calm and don't call me Nymphadora.